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Currency of nepal

Currency of Nepal is called Nepalese rupee. In Nepali language it is called rupiyanh. Nepalese rupee is different from the other rupee are used in Indian sub continent countries like Indian rupee, Sri Lankan rupee, Pakistani rupee. The issuance of Nepalese currency is Nepal Rastra Bank. This is the central bank of Nepal. Currency of Nepal is universally recognized and can be converted in any currency. They can be converted at money exchange counters and commercial banks. There are lots of money-exchange counters and banks in Nepal. This includes both Government affiliated and private operated ones. You can find money-exchangers in every corner of big cities such as Kathmandu and Pokhara. In smaller towns too, there are solitary money exchangers.

Currency of Nepal the smallest unit of a Rupee is called Paise. 1 Paise is equal to 100th part of 1 Rupee.

The Central bank of Nepal has issued various denominations currency notes. The smallest denomination is 1 Rupee note. Apart from that, it has issued 2 Rupees, 5 Rupees, 10 Rupees, 20 Rupees, 25 Rupees, 50 Rupees, 100 Rupees, 500 Rupees and 1000 Rupees currency notes. The currency note has a excellent printed photo on it.

The bank has also issued 5 denominations coins: 10 Paisa, 25 Paisa, 50 Paisa, 1 Rupee and 2 Rupees. Now 10 paisa, 25 paisa and 50 paisa coin is rarely found in the market.

Exchange rate of Currency of Nepal as the date of 30th January 2011

Exchange Rates Fixed by Nepal Rastra Bank
Currency Unit Buying/Rs. Selling/Rs.
Indian Rupee





Open Market Exchange Rates
(For the purpose of Nepal Rastra Bank)
Currency Unit Buying/Rs. Selling/Rs.
U.S. dollar 1 72.85 73.45
European euro 1 99.82 100.64
UK pound sterling 1 115.59 116.54
Swiss franc 1 77.00 77.63
Australian dollar 1 72.14 72.74
Canadian dollar 1 73.07 73.67
Singapore dollar 1 56.82 57.29
Japanese yen 10 8.82 8.89
Chinese renminbi (Yuan) 1 11.06 11.15
Saudi Arabian riyal 1 19.42 19.58
Qatari riyal 1 20.00 20.17
Thai baht 1 2.34 2.36
UAE Dirham 1 19.83 20.00
Malaysian ringgit 1 23.89 24.08
South Korean Won 100 6.54 6.59


Only Buying rates
Currency Unit Rates/Rs.
Swedish Krone 1 11.29
Danish Krone 1 13.39
Hong Kong dollar 1 9.35

The exchange rate is changed daily with few amounts. For up to date exchange rate please view the web site of Nepal Rastra Bank: