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Trek to Langtang valley support to local economy
By Trek to Langtang | 31 Jan, 2024

Langtang Valley Panorama trek with Himalayan Smile a fabulous journey in and around central Himalaya with awesome views of high snow capped mountains in the harmony of Tamang villages with its old traditions and colorful culture make this trek to Langtang valley a memorable and enjoyable  holiday destination.

Langtang within Langtang National Park of Rasuwa district the nearest park from Kathmandu valley towards north.

Himalayan Smile welcomes all interested travelers to take part in this remarkable scenic adventure which you can help and support to rebuild the houses and lodges back to its normal form.

The avalanche due to earthquake of 25th April and 12th May 2015 destroyed much of the villages with lodges on route Langtang valley, however much support has been contributed by donor agencies and private sector.


Langtang vlley after earthquack

But it is not enough to bring back the normal life of the villagers, at least trekking with us (Himalayan Smiles) will help to bring back the smile of the people of Langtang region.

The scenario of the villages has been dramatically changed since the earthquake; this is where you can help trek to Langtang with overnight stops, in simple and basic lodges. Offer volunteer support on the badly affected area, by building houses, walking trails, schools and monasteries or with financial aid to the neediest villagers.

This trek to Langtang starting with an interesting scenic drive to Syabrubesi village which lies to various routes Ganesh Himal, Langtang valley, Tamang Heritage Trail and to Kyarong frontier of Nepal / Tibet, China. As well to newly built hydro dam of Chilime.

This volunteer trek leads to cooler region to enter wide and beautiful Langtang valley after walking and volunteering for days in villages on route as the walk leads into beautiful alpine forest of pines and rhododendron trees with rare wildlife including Red Panda and various species of bird life.

Reaching Kyanjin in the midst of Langtang valley, after few overnights in Lama Hotel and Langtang villages, Kyanjin located within awesome picturesque Langtang valley surrounded with high peaks of Langtang mountain range.

After a wonderful time with rest day at Kyanjin enjoying views with volunteer service, return journey leads to Dhunche town taking the higher route. Walking down and ups after Lama Hotel and Thulo (Upper) Syabrubesi and Singh Gompa heading lower area with long descend to Dhunche through cool dense forested area.

This wonderful trek to Langtang Valley Panorama trek completes at Dhunche town, after a memorable and splendid volunteering trekking for a cause in the high hills of central Himalaya range within Tamang villages and rich old Buddhist culture.

From Dhunche a scenic with interesting overland drive leads back to hustle-bustle city life of Kathmandu.



Langtang village before quack

Langtang Valley Panorama
“ trekking with a difference, volunteer service around central Himalaya”

Langtang Valley Panorama offers super views of massif Ganesh Himal or Yangra (7,422 m / 24,350 ft)) 08th highest Mt. Manaslu (8,163 m), Langtang Lirung (7,234 m) Ghengu Liru or Langtang II (6,571m / 21,560ft), Kimshun (6,745m) Shalbachum (6,918 m) to the south, includes Naya-Kanga (5,846m) Gangchempo, Tilman’s beautiful Fluted Peak. Beyond it extends towards Jugal Himal, terminating in Dorje Lakpa (6,980m), and to the east upper meadows of Langtang end in a massive mountain wall, forming frontier with Tibet, walking into enchanting rhododendron, pines, oaks forest in the land of Red Panda with warm hospitality of Tamang ethnic tribe and its fascinating culture.
Trip Fact:

Trip Mode:                           Hotels & Lodge
Trek grade:                          Moderate with High Altitude walk.
Trek / volenter duration: 09 nights & 10 days.
Highest elevation gain:     3,749 m in Kyanjin Gompa (Langtang valley)
Total Trip:                             11 nights & 12 days Kathmandu-Kathmandu.
Seasons:                                All season except mid June to August.
Activities:                              Trekking & volunteer service with various means of


Outline Itinerary:

Day 01:         Arrival at Kathmandu and transfer to hotel.
Day 02:         Drive to Syabrubesi 1,460 m – 07 hrs journey.
Day 03:         Trek to Lama Hotel 2, 350 m – 06 walks.
Day 04:         Trek to Langtang village 3, 307m via Ghoretabela  – 06 hrs.
Day 05 -06:  Volunteer service in Langtang village.
Day 07:         Trek to Kyanjin Gompa 3,749 m – 04 hrs.
Day 08:         Rest day at Kyanjin for acclimatization and hikes.
Day 09:         Trek to Ghode Tabela 3,020 m – 06 hrs.
Day 10:         Trek back to Syabrubesi – 06 hrs.
Day 11:         Drive back to Kathmandu – 06 hrs.
Day 12:         International departure for home ward bound.

Detail Itinerary:

Day 01:         Arrival in Kathmandu and transfer to hotel.
On reaching at Kathmandu Tribhuvan International Airport, HS staff will receive with a warm welcome and transfer you to respective hotels. After refresh join the other group member for trip orientation, briefing by our expert guide / leader regarding trek, volunteer service, hotels, do and don’ts along with evening group dinner.

Day 02:         Drive to Syabrubesi 1,460 m – 07 hrs journey.
Starting with an overland drive towards interesting villages and towns and fabulous scenery of hills, farm terraces and snow capped peaks, after warm sub tropic area reaching cooler region at Langtang National Park in Dhunche 1,950 meters, a major town of Rasuwa district and Langtang area, inhabited with Tamang people.

From here downhill for next 2 hours to our overnight stop at Syabrubesi the gateway to Langtang, Ganesh and into Tamang Heritage Trail and to Tibet border at Kyarong.

Day 03:         Trek to Lama Hotel 2, 350 m – 06 hrs.
First day walk of this adventure leads to a bridge over Langtang Khola (river) later joins Trisuli River downstream. From here with climb through scattered farm villages and terraces, into a cool forest area to Riverside a small settlement with few simple lodges, where the path from Upper or Thulo Syabru meets, after a rest or lunch break trek continues with a climb through beautiful forests of rhododendron, pines, bamboo tree lines, Langtang area is famous for rare and elusive Red Panda and other wildlife’s, after a good day’s walk reaching at Lama Hotel located in between forest surrounding and by the Langtang Khola  with 5-6 simple lodges.

Day 04:         Trek to Langtang village 3, 307m via Ghoretabela – 06 hrs.
Morning walk heads higher up through the river gorge  in the middle of enchanting woodlands of tall trees of pines, rhododendron and following the river upstream passing few houses and cattle herders shelters and then to more cooler place at Ghoretabela for lunch break in beautiful forest surrounding with few lodges around. From here another 2-3 hours of good walk and the leaving the tree lines behind reaching at Langtang village for overnight stop, the last village before Kyanjin. Here explore this interesting village of Tamang and Bhotias people of Tibetan origin with similar life style of Tibet religion and culture.

Day 05-06:   At Langtang village with volunteer work.
These two days will be busy engrossed in work rebuilding the villages, first morning scout the remains of the villages, the locals might be engaged building their houses and makeshift, this is where you can lend help and support offer them with ideas and plans in rebuilding the houses, schools and damaged trails.

Including subjects in hygiene, eco system to protect the villages in eco friendly way.

Day 07:         Trek to Kyanjin Gompa 3,749 m – 04 hrs.
After a wonderful stop with volunter work in this last permenant village, further up are only temporary settlement of yak herders with lodge to serve trekkers, moving on the winding up trail and then the gorge opens to a wide beautiful valley with awesome views of snow capped peaks that lines this Langtang valley, walking on encountering few prayer or mani walls and then reaching our first destination of this trip at Kyanjin Gomba for two nights in this lovely valley surrounded by many peaks around with Langtang Lirung glacier just close by from the lodges and a cheese processing factory established some 35 years ago with help of Swiss assistance.

Day 08:         Rest day at Kyanjin for acclimatization and hikes.
A perfect spot for rest day to acclimatize at this high altitude with many places for short hike and climb like to the hill top of Tsego and Kyanjin ri at over 4,000 meters top for better panorama of surrounding mountains.

From Tsego Ri views of Langtang Himal, Ghengu Liru (Langtang II 6571m / 21,560ft),  Langtang Lirung  (7,425m / 23,765ft) Kimshun (6,745m / 22,137ft) and Shalbachum (6,918m / 22,699ft) Naya-Kanga 5,846m and Gangchempo, Tilman’s beautiful Fluted Peak, continues to Jugal Himal, ending with Dorje Lakpa (6,980m / 22,929ft).

Day 09:         Trek to Ghode Tabela 3,020 m – 06 hrs.
Morning catching the last view of this wonderful surrounding and high snow capped mountains in amazing Langtang valley, heading downhill for another adventure on route Kathmandu, walk leads on the same route to Ghode Tabela after a long descend with few short ups in between the walks.
Ghode meaning Horse Stable Ghode ‘horse’ and Tabela a ‘stable’.
In the early days native of Langtang and Rasuwa has link and strong trade with Tibet bringing in horse of Tibetan breed which is known as Tibetan ponies, rested here as breeding and grazing field so the name Ghode Tabela, this isolated place with an Nepal Army barrack serving as Park warden and few lodges.

Day 10:         Trek back to Syabrubesi – 06 hrs.
From Ghode Tabela with last day walk to Sybrubesi, morning with short downhill to Riverside and Bamboo area with small lodge, teahouses in the middles of rhododendron, oaks and bamboo forests, after short rest here walk continues leading  downhill in the warmer area at Syabrubesi village for last overnight stop in the mid hills of Langtang Himal.

Day 11:         Drive back to Kathmandu – 06 hrs.
Catching morning views of snow clad peaks, overland drive leads to a long winding downhill through interesting towns and villages, heading to warmer area and back into rural farm country and villages.

Finally drive ends on reaching Kathmandu, transfer to respective, with rest of the day free for individual activities.

Day 12:         International departure for home ward bound.
Today, last day in Nepal with great memories and amazing experience trekking Langtang Valley Panorama with good volunteer service, our staff transfers you to Kathmandu international airport for your final departure homeward bound or to next port of call.

AREA (1,710 SQ.KMS.)

LOCATION:         Situated in the Central Himalaya, Langtang is the nearest park from Kathmandu. The area extends from 32 km north of Kathmandu to the Nepal – China (Tibet) border.

FEATURES:          Langtang National Park encloses the catchments of two major river systems: one draining west into the Trisuli River and the other east to the Sun Kosi river.

Best examples of graded climate conditions in the Central Himalaya are found here. The complex topography and geography together with the varied climatic patterns have enabled a wide spectrum of vegetation type to be established. These include small areas of subtropical forest (below 1000 m), temperate oak and pine forests at mid-elevation, with alpine scrub and grasses giving way to bare rocks and snow.

Oaks, chir pine, maple, fir, blue pine, hemlock, spruce and various species of rhododendron make up the main forest species. Along with the existing forest cover, approx. 25 % of the total area provides habitat for a wide range of animals including wild dog, red panda, pika, munt jack, musk deer, Himalayan black bear, Himalayan Thar, goral, serow, rhesus monkey and common languor. The Trisuli-Bhote Koshi forms an important route for birds on spring and autumn migration between India and Tibet.

About 45 villages ( 846 house-holds = ca. 4500 people) are situated within the park boundaries, but they are not under park jurisdiction. In total, about 3000 households (ca. 16,200 people) depend on the park resources for wood and firewood.

Culturally the area is mixed, the home of several ethnic groups which have influenced the natural environment over the centuries.