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Guerilla Trek Brief Exploration 25 Days
By Guerilla Trek Brief Exploration | 31 Jan, 2024

Guerilla trek brief exploration 25 days  offers the remarkable journey through the heart of decade long post conflict territory. This journey reflects the image of Nepals 10 year (1996 to 2006) conflict between Maoist and Government. The journey goes through the unspoiled terrain of Myagdhi, Rukum & Rolpa district where the route goes through countless number of spectacular sceneries through the epicenter of past conflict zone. There used be Maoist autonomous government governing the territory on their own way and communism was practice during that time in Rolpa. We still can see many of them as monument or icon from the conflict.

The province is blessed with natural diversity as well as cultural diversity. Magar, Chhetri, Brahmin, Dalit people can be seen during the journey. The Kham Magar people can be only seen in this territory which is very unique and typical comparing with other. The region is not only rich for its culture also very rich for flora and fauna. Around two third of Dhorpatan hunting reserve is reserved inside Rukum district. Beautiful waterfall, river, mighty lake as well as magnificent Himalayan view can be observed during the journey. Here in this article today we are talking about brief exploration of this province which takes nearly one month and goes through many different terrains of Rukum, Rolpa , Myadghi & Salyan district.

This journey fulfills the desire of exploring the untouched historical landmarked icon in the otherworldly area. After exploring this territory we can feel like we have been to somewhere where outside world is not present yet and it will let you explore many truth and facts about conflict, people, culture, custom, tradition, way of life, way of following the rituals & religion. The most important factor of this trip is we can see people following the path of modernization after manual life age, post conflict which drag development and change back to Stone Age.

After the completion of The Guerrilla Trek we come to know a lot about post conflict of Nepal, the people, religion and the current ratio of changing towards the modernization. The region is itself got less number of inhabitant with rich in its beauty and diversity. There are numerous amount of Home stays in the trail of Guerrilla trek where we can stay at local homes as paying guest or we can use our own tent for accommodation and cook food by ourselves. Using the local home stay is the best option to discover local culture, people, cuisines and the way of life.

Accesses to the Guerilla trek

The Guerrilla trek can be start from Beni or it can be from Sulichaur if we start at Beni it go anticlockwise and finishes at Sulichaur or if we start at Sulichaur it goes clockwise and the trek finishes at Beni. To start from Beni is convenient that we can discover the territory from A to Z every detail from beginning to the end. This region is located in the mid western region of Nepal so it’s not really far. It can be done like shown in the chart below:-
If start from Beni : Kathmandu to Beni by bus and take a jeep to Darbang / 190Km to Beni from Kathmandu and 20Km off road to Darbang from Beni.
If start from Sulichaur : Kathmandu to Sulichaur by bus / 300 KM to Sulichaur from Kathmandu.

Highlight of the Guerilla Trek
1) Discovery of Nepals ten year conflicts.
2) Mid western region of Nepal.
3) Scenic drive to Beni and from Sulichaur back.
4) Heartland territory of Post conflict zone.
5) Kham Magar people culture and religion exploration
6) Dhorpatan haunting reserve.
7) Numerous river, waterfall, lake and spectacular view.
8) Temple, shrine, monastery, chorten & Gompas.
9) Unspoiled offbeat track trek.
10) Local home stay for accommodation.
11) Exploration of northern remote territory of the region


The Guerilla Trek Brief Exploration 25 Days- village

Detailed Itinerary of the Guerilla Trekking
Day 01) Kathmandu to Beni(830M) by bus / 9hrs drive / Overnight at Lodge

Day 02) Beni to Darbang by drive and trek to Takam(1675M) /2.5hrs drive / 2hrs trek / Overnight at Local home stay or Tented camp : The journey start with the Jeep ride to Darbang which offers beautiful scenery of local village house, river and the terraced field. After reaching in Darbang we start trekking from here. It takes few hours to reach the beautiful village of Takam where we sleep overnight. Takam is one of the big village from the region with many of its inhabitants are Magar people. This village played the major role in the conflict time. There was a big camp and the training center during that time.

Day 03) Takam to Moreni(2275M) / 4hrs walk / Overnight at Local home stay or Tented camp : The trail goes through several village where we can see the local Magar people, culture, custom and the way of living. During the walk we traverse through beautiful terraced field, river and waterfall.

Day 04) Moreni to Gurjaghat(3015M) / 7hrs walk / Overnight at local home stay or Tented camp : The trail goes uphill from Moreni until we reach Jaljala Pass(3414M) and the trek descend down towards low elevation following Uttar Ganga river. We will take right side of valley.

Day 05) Gurjaghat to Dhorpatan(2870M) / 3hrs walk / Overnight at local home stay or Tented camp : The trail follows Uttar Ganga river from right side of the valley and we reach Dhorpatan. Dhorpatan is beautiful place where beautiful flower grows in summer and it’s the entry point of Dhorpatan haunting reserve. There is an office for haunting reserve. Bon Gompa(traditional medicine school) is the point of intrest during the walk. Bon gompa is located some 30 minute before we arrive to Dhorpatan.
Day 06) Dhorpatan to Thankur (3175M) / 7.5hrs walk / Overnight at local home stay or tented camp: After walking for a while the trail splits towards right side and it goes high above the valley of Phalgune Khola and continues towards Phalgune Pass 3915M as the trail is steep and there is not a single tea shop in the middle so, we have to arrange the pack launch, drinks & snacks by yourself. After crossing the pass Phalgune –La the trail goes downhill. The walk is excessively long for this day so its better to leave early morning from Dhorpatan.

Day 07) Thankur to Kayam (3000M) / 5hrs walk / Overnight at local homestay or tented camp: The trail goes through downhill in the beginning and crosses the suspension bridge and we will walk through the left side of the valley. We are heading towards the Kham Magar enriched village at Kayam.

Day 08) Kayam to Pelma (2425M) / 4hrs walk / Overnight at local homestay or tented camp: The trail goes downhill through the terraced field way and after walking 1.25hrs we reach the village called Jharlang where we can see the strategy training and medical camp run by Maoist during the conflict time and its still there laying below the huge rocks. We go through Tatopani (Hotspring) way and relax hot spring then we cross the suspension bridge again to reach Pelma.

Day 09) Pelma to Maikot (2300M) / 6hrs walk / Overnight at local homestay or tented camp: The trail goes downhill at the beginning and it crosses the river and again it goes uphill crossing the small hill and later we reach the ridge and the terrace field. After walking for several hours we reach the village Maikot one of the famous village from this region since the time of 10 year conflict that many casualties had happened during that time.

Day 10) Maikot to Archalgaon (1825M) / 5.5hrs walk / Overnight at local homestay or tented camp: The route goes climbing uphill and on the top of ridge we can see the fort built by (kham) Magar king before 18th century. And the trail goes downhill to Archalgaon. Archalgaon played major role in the conflict time. Here in this village we can see many things from the conflict time.

Day 11) Archalgaon to Kharabang (2090M) / 3hrs walk / Overnight at local homestay or tented camp: The trail goes through bit high above the valley in the right side and crosses the suspension bridge and goes to the beautiful village Kharabang.

Day 12) Kharbang to Chargaon (1730M) / 6.2hrs walk / Overnight at local homestay or tented camp: The trail goes high above the valley through the beautiful terrace field along the walk we can see some beautiful village in the distance across the river.

Day 13) Chargaon to Chhipkhola (1750M) / 5hrs walk / Overnight at local homestay or tented camp: The walk goes downhill to the river Sisne Kkola and crosses the suspension bridge and the trail follows the right side of the valley that goes through several beautiful Magar village in the region.

Day 14) Chhipkhola to Pokhara (1170M) /3hrs walk / Overnight at local homestay or tented camp: The trail goes through several village in the trail and crosses small hills and the rivers to reach the beautiful village Pokhara.

Day 15) Pokhara to Syapru Lake (1305M) /3.5hrs walk / Overnight at local homestay or tented camp: The trail goes through the right side of the river valley following many village in the way. The walk to Syapru Lake is really nice we can see many typical Magar village which reflects the culture and tradition of the region.

Day 16) Syapru Lake to Khalanga (1500M) / 5hrs walk / Overnight at local homestay or tented camp: The trail goes downhill from Syapru Lake and crosses the river and goes uphill to Khalanga. Khalanga was the capital of Maoist Guerrilla. During the conflict time Khalanga played major role in the history of Maoist revolution in Nepal. There are many institutions they serve people like school, hospital and there is one small airfield called Musikot Airport.

Day 17) Khalanga to Rukumkot by drive / 3.5hrs drive / Overnight at local homestay or tented camp: we will take a fourwheel jeep to reach Rukumkot and after reaching the village we will have a short walk around the village. We will visit Kamal Pokhari, Temple and the beautiful terrace.

Day 18) Rukumkot to Jamabagar(1335M) / 5.2hrs walk / Overnight at local homestay or tented camp: The trail goes downhill and follows the river valley from the right side exploring some beautiful village and we will take uphill journey after we get close to the village Naighad in the other side of river. Jamabagar is a unique village that reflects the story from the conflict time.

Day 19) Jamabagar to Dharmashala (2005M) / 5hrs walk / Overnight at local homestay or tented camp: The trail follows sani Bheri river valley and slightly it goes uphill to the village Dharmashala. The Dharmashala village has many homestays for tourist and the village is unique and beautiful in the region.

Day 20) Dharmashala to Taka (2185M) / 3hrs walk / Overnight at local home stay or tented camp: The trail goes through several village where we can see some monuments from the war. The rebels who have lost their life in the conflict is written in the monument.

Day 21) Taka to Lukum(2095M) / 5.5hrs walk / Overnight at local home stay or Tented camp : The trail goes with crossing the river and taking left side leaving Uttar Ganga valley we reach the village Uppallo Sera and the trail goes gradually upward towards Tilla Pass(3050M). After crossing the Tilla Pass its few hour further walk to the village Lukum.

Day 22) Lukum to Thawang(1975M) / 5.5hrs walk / Overnight at local home stay or tented camp : The trail is strenuous for this day but the village and scenery is amazing. We can see Kham Magar Museum at Kankri village and we can see the site of dead Late Dhanmaya shrestha the first female combatants died in March 1996. After crossing the Syaubari Pass (2670M) the trail goes downhill to the village Thawang. Thawang was landmark village during the conflict time. Communism was start paacticing from this village.

Day 23) Thawang to Sukulbang(2110M) / 7.5hrs walk / Overnight at Local home stay or Tented camp : The trail goes uphill through the village Tejibang and it crosses the hill and again descend down reaches the small stream and later go through Bhangama cave and Bujuthan temple. The walk is strenuous this day though we can see spectacular view, great scenery.

Day 24) Sukulbang to Sulichaur(830M) via Jelbang / 7hrs walk / Overnight at Local Lodge or Homestay : The trail goes through the legendary village of Jelbang where many fight took place during the conflict time. The army troops used to come up with several helicopter and destroy the rebel convict home. Then the trail reaches unpaved road after walking bit further from Jelbang. The rest of the walk goes through unpaved road up to Sulichaur. In this territory we can see many of the building are painted red as a part of conflict as Maoist use to write with red color according to them color of victory.

Day 25) Sulichaur to Kathmandu (1310M) by drive / 16hrs drive / Overnight at Hotel in Kathmandu : The Bus leaving from Sulichaur will bring back to Kathmandu taking 16/17 hours.