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Best hikes in Nepal
By Best hikes in Nepal | 31 Jan, 2024

Best hikes in Nepal! Nepal is one of the most amazing countries located in the Himalayas which is famous for its wide range of diversity. Geographically it is divided into three different regions; Mountain, Hilly, and Terai region. Mountain region occupies 15% of its total area which is full of towering peaks, high desert valleys and tropical deep gorges. The Himalaya is a water source for some 3 billion people living around it. Beside this Himalaya is home to many creatures, flora & fauna which consist of thousands of mountains, lakes, and desert which are 2400Km long in distance stretched from Brahmaputra river in the east to Indus river in the west. Most of the Himalaya is located in Nepal which consists of 45% of the total. Below the Himalaya, there is Hilly region in Nepal which consists of 65% of the total area of Nepal. Whereas, Terai located in foothill which consists 20% of the total area.

Best hikes in Nepal offers you top hiking route in Nepal Himalaya. Nepal was always adventure destination among explorer. Beside this, there are numerous national parks and wildlife reserve where you can enjoy Jeep safari and Elephant riding with your beloved ones. The capital city Kathmandu is not only capital for a country but also the dense hub for heritage, art, architecture, fairs and festivals. There is one proverb which reflects the cultural and heritage diversity of Kathmandu. It is said there are more temples than the number of houses and more festival than the number of days in a year.

Among the above-mentioned activities, trekking and hiking are the most famous activities. However, these activities sound similar but it has far different from each other. The walking journey which lasts for one to two days is normally called hiking. The walk should be pleasant to become hike. And the walking journey which takes more than two days and requires the excessive effort is trekking. The terrain can be difficult for trekking.

Here are the best hikes in Nepal mention below

Dhampus hiking

Fig: Annapurna massif as seen during Dhampus day hiking

Trip facts

  • Several hours walk
  • Scenic view of Annapurna, Picturesque village, Gurung culture
  • 20 km drive from Pokhara to Trailhead


Nagarkot Changunarayan hiking

Fig: Changunarayan temple

Trip facts

  • Four-hours walk
  • Scenic view of Langtang, Rolwaling and Everest
  • 28 km drive from Kathmandu to Nagarkot


Sarangkot hiking

Fig: Annapurna Massifs as seen from Sarangkot

Trip facts

  • Several hour walks
  • Scenic view of Annapurna, Dhaulagiri, Pokhara valley, Phewa lake
  • 10 km drive from Pokhara


Nagarjuna hill hiking

Fig: Langtang range as seen during Nagarjuna hill day hiking

Trip facts

  • Few hours walk
  • Scenic view of Kathmandu valley, Langtang range, Ganesh Himal range
  • 5 km drive from Thamel Kathmandu to Nagarjuna gate.


World peace stupa hiking

Fig: Peace stupa in Pokhara

Trip facts

  • Few hours walk
  • Scenic view of Pokhara valley, Phewa lake, Annapurna range, Dhaulagiri range
  • 5 km drive from Pokhara